Once you have prepared everything that you need for drafting and have drafted the best player available and not drafting them by any sort of order then pulling out your cheat sheet is just in time!
When drafting with Fantasy Football, keep your beloved cheat sheet to yourself. It doesn’t do you a lot of good to “share” your cheat sheet with anyone else, trust me I learned the hard way. You may also commit the same mistake of sharing it with another manager like I did and he ended up with a better record than I did. So remember to keep the cheat sheet dear to you alone.
If you are over 21 years old then you can bring the beer but don’t be tempted to drink it. It is of course common sense that beer is a sort of agent that can poison the functioning of the brain momentarily and be able to use your brain power at 100% here is essential if you want to make a good record. By bringing beer, you can even give it to the others and you will be helping yourself since your opponents won’t be at full speed while under the influence.
You should also observe quietly your opponents since watching other drafters can give you a good idea what you should be doing and there are also bad examples of drafters that you shouldn’t be following.
When you are in between picks it’s also a good time to give trading a thought. Maybe you’re sure your big sleeper is going to be picked before your next turn, so try trading your next two picks for a higher pick. If you think you have created a mistake about your picks then now is the time to correct it. Come out ahead with trading, you should also check out a draft pick calculator which is available in websites online.
Remember that your last few draft picks should be on some long shots. Never waste your time with these old picks on veteran players that have consistently scored a couple of points per game. Why not take a chance on rookie quarterbacks or a backup running back with a big upscale.
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