Find a league. Plenty of websites such as ESPN, Yahoo, and Fantasy Factor run free fantasy leagues. For the more daring player, pay leagues can also be found. Oftentimes, friends and co-workers are good people to play with and leagues can be easily set up. If no one else creates a league, a person can easily set up their own league and invite people to play.
Learn the rules. The next step in fantasy play is learning the rules of that particular league. Various leagues have different rules for scoring, substitutions, and player-to-player competitions. It is important to understand these details so that people pick players accordingly.
Do your homework. After understanding league rules, it is time to do homework on players. This is where people have to decide how serious they want to be. Also, people have to distinguish between "stars" and people who pile up stats. The two do not always go together.
Read your history. Looking at players should also include at least a cursory look at previous seasons. Sometimes players were hurt or in different playing situations, which can make their current statistics a bit deceiving. Looking at past seasons can help in finding players that may have been forgotten because they are no longer on people's "radar."
Pre-ranks and flexibility. Typically fantasy sports will have some sort of draft. Sometimes this draft is "live" and other times people put in their selections and the computer picks for them. What is important in this stage of the process is to have some sort of plan. People should rank their players so that when it is their turn, they have some idea of what to do. Usually in a live draft people will have limited time to pick. If they don't plan ahead, they may have to make a snap judgment, which may or may not end well.
Leave your heart at the door. Finally, people have to remember that winning fantasy sports is about setting aside sentimentality. A person's favorite players may not be the best statistical choices, so if people want to win, they may have to leave their favorite players off of their "team." Other than that, fantasy sports should be enjoyed for what it is. Some people can get a bit obsessed, so people should make sure they can let it go before getting involved.
Have fun. Most of all, people have to remember that fantasy basketball is about having fun. If people are getting all stressed out, then perhaps they should take a year off and re-evaluate. Getting started in fantasy basketball can certainly be an enjoyable diversion for some, but the result should not be concern and stress. If that is the case, people should look to get started with another hobby.
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